UK: Almost 70% of overseas travel roles lost following Brexit

The number of British citizens working in the EU travel industry has fallen by more than two-thirds since Brexit, new research has shown

Jun 15, 2023

The cost of obtaining visas, work permits and other paperwork after Brexit was blamed for a sharp reduction in opportunities that particularly hit young Britons hoping to work as “seasonaires” in Europe, the survey of 100 industry executives found.

Key takeaways

  • Abta urges the government to work with the EU to improve visa and youth mobility arrangements which were restricted after the UK left the EU in 2021;
  • Under the EU-UK trade deal, Britons can travel to the EU for 90 days in any 180-day period, but need permits and visas for seasonal travel jobs;
  • While the cost of obtaining permits for a UK worker in France are averaging £880, in some countries, such as Austria, it had proved impossible to employ UK workers because of the visa quota system.

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