Airbnb plans loyalty program

The company is toying with the idea of an Amazon Prime subscription model, which he says will bring in more money to provide a better service

May 7, 2024

Airbnb is shifting its focus to loyalty, as co-founder Brian Chesky has indicated that they will eventually launch a loyalty program. However, Chesky has expressed an aversion to traditional points programs, citing them as a pure cost that devalues their most valuable customers.

Key takeaways

  • Chesky sees loyalty programs as a financial burden that doesn't fully justify the expense, because they marginally increase business while decreasing the value of top customers. He is concerned that such programs may benefit guests and hosts more than Airbnb itself.
  • Instead, Chesky finds the concept of an Amazon Prime-style subscription model more appealing. He believes this approach will generate more revenue and allow Airbnb to improve its services for users.

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