Going dark on TikTok damaging for destination marketers

The social network has become a major player in destination marketing, but restrictions are limiting its use among state tourism agencies

May 9, 2023

A large number of destination marketing groups, often taxpayer-funded agencies that market their states to tourists and corporate event planners, have had to stop posting on TikTok, delete their accounts or operate under the assumption they could soon be forbidden from using the platform.

Key takeaways

  • The U.S. government says it fears that China’s government could seek access to data on TikTok’s U.S. users and influence content on the app;
  • Restrictions on TikTok are only expanding, just as more state tourism departments had begun making the app a central part of their marketing efforts;
  • Destination marketers began warming to TikTok in mid-2022 as research showed it had evolved from a place for teenagers to post dance videos to one where travelers and older users go to find information on vacation spots;
  • TikTok now is a primary marketing platform for approximately one-third of MMGY’s about 500 clients.

Get the full story at The Wall Street Journal (subscription only)

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