Hotels in the 2030s: Perspectives from Accor’s C-suite

Three hospitality executives envision a future in which hotels are sustainable, tech-enabled hubs for travelers and locals alike

Aug 8, 2023

McKinsey’s Aurélia Bettati explores the future of hospitality and travel in interviews with three Accor executives - chief digital officer Alix Boulnois and, from the company’s premium, midscale, and economy brands division, chief marketing officer Alex Schellenberger and chief design, technical services, and innovation officer Damien Perrot.

Key takeaways

  • The hotel of the 2030s is more than just a place to stay. It’s not just a travel destination; it’s a location people can enjoy even if they live in the neighborhood. You can eat at the hotel, go to the spa, or enjoy the gym. In the future, a ton of other services could be offered at the hotel, like your bank, your mail, your laundry, and so on;
  • The hybrid model - where the hotel becomes a place dedicated not only to travelers but to locals as well - is an important and growing trend in the hospitality sector;
  • In the 2030s, the design and architecture of hotels will be completely different. Biophilic design, which increases connectivity to the natural environment, will completely shape the future of hospitality. A range of technologies, many of which already exist today, will be integrated into hotels to make them more self-sufficient.

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