The Hotels Network lets hotels fine-tune retargeting campaigns

The company has launched Predictive Audiences, effectively bringing high-value users back to the hotel’s website

Jan 25, 2024

Predictive Audiences streamlines the process for hoteliers by automatically analyzing and understanding user behavior, thereby creating high-value audience segments from the overall web traffic. These audiences are then used to target users, optimize bidding, and drive higher conversion rates. Importantly, this is achieved without increasing ad spend, as it allows hotels to adjust campaign bidding for guests more likely to convert or with higher spending.

The top-performing algorithms for the optimization of retargeting campaigns are:

  • Purchase Intent: This algorithm empowers hotel marketers to target users based on their probability of booking a room on the hotel's website;
  • High Spend: The algorithm detects the likelihood of a user opting for higher or lower rates on the hotel’s website, indicating which room category a user is likely to book.

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