The people who ruined the internet

Anyone who thought the internet was already saturated with SEO-oriented content should buckle up

Nov 6, 2023

For the past 25 years, the internet as we know it has been almost entirely defined and controlled by Google. What the SEOs do matters for all of us on a daily basis, distorting how we perceive the world in ways we can hardly begin to imagine or understand.

In 2023, a lot of folks are unhappy with their ability to find information on the internet, which, for almost everyone, means the quality of Google Search results. The sheer volume of SEO bait being produced is so massive and so complex that Google is overwhelmed.

Google results will get even worse, dominated entirely by AI-generated crap designed to please the algorithms, produced and published at volumes far beyond anything humans could create, far beyond anything we’d ever seen before.

Get the full story at The Verge (long read, grab a coffee)

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