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Today's Brief
Business travel not going back to normal - ever - The days of high-flying, big-spending business travel may be over for good, according to a new report by research company Morning Consult.
Apr 25, 2023 • Travel
No more cheap flights is the new reality for air travel - Airlines face an expensive and challenging few decades ahead as climate compliance laws get stricter.
Apr 25, 2023 • Travel
How to effectively market your hotel’s sustainability efforts
Download our guide for actionable steps to identify, reach and tailor your marketing to attract eco-conscious travelers.
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What does a Net Zero Hotel look like? - Hotels are implementing a range of decarbonization measures on the road to net zero, and the total greenhouse gas emissions reduction will depend on specific scalable metrics.
Apr 25, 2023 • Hospitality
China: Booming travel demand for May Day holidays - Industry insiders expect an explosive market response in the tourism sector to inject more momentum into domestic consumption.
Apr 25, 2023 • Travel
Generative A.I. is already changing the way we travel - With customer service an obvious target for generative AI chatbots, the travel business is expected to be an early adopter.
Apr 25, 2023 • Travel
Corporate best practices for managing business travel’s climate impact - Best practices and insights from leading companies taking action on Scope 3.6 emissions for greener corporate travel.
Apr 25, 2023 • Travel
From renewable energy to backing communities: how hotels can make a difference - As more people become more clued up about what sustainability means, the demand for environmentally friendly accommodation is on the rise.
Apr 25, 2023 • Hospitality
How hotels revenue-manage different room types - As hotel demand returns to pre-pandemic patterns and guest behaviors evolve, hoteliers are working out how to best price different room types.
Apr 25, 2023 • Hospitality
... in case you missed it, our Daily Brief April 21, 2023
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