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Today's Brief
How to reshape loyalty for a new travel landscape - McKinsey research finds that experience - far more than tangible, “earn and burn” benefits - is what wins customers’ loyalty.
Nov 29, 2023 • Hospitality
Revenge travel is here to stay - New Visa Global Travel Intentions study showcases consumer’s hunger for travel in the post COVID economy, despite rising costs.
Nov 29, 2023 • Travel
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The wholehearted traveler - Travelers in 2024 are seeking purpose, meaning, impact, and connection through travel - as a result, they are more open to experiential travel.
Nov 29, 2023 • Hospitality
Ryanair steps up campaign against OTAs - Ryanair today stepped up its war of words against online travel agencies by listing firms the budget airline claims are overcharging consumers.
Nov 29, 2023 • Travel
There's money in hotel parking - Parking fees are an additional revenue source for hotels, particularly those in urban locations that may not own garages and for those offering valet services.
Nov 29, 2023 • Hospitality
Google Search Generative Experience's impact on search - SGE offers users an interactive, conversational approach to search queries, incorporating multimedia elements for a more nuanced experience.
Nov 29, 2023 • Marketing
Employee experience: Why it's a critical part of tech planning - With the right technology, hotels can empower and support their team members, synchronizing the guest experience with the employee experience at the same time.
Nov 29, 2023 • Hospitality
New Mews Kiosk cuts check-in time by a third - Guests can check-in early, purchase upsells and cut their own room key using the intuitive, streamlined kiosk.
Nov 29, 2023 • Hospitality
... in case you missed it, our Daily Brief November 28, 2023
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